We got chickens

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15 Responses to We got chickens

  1. cspencer says:

    It’s amazing that you’ve got chickens! I bet their eggs taste so fresh! Can I ask, Amelie, is Diva a diva?

  2. pavlos says:

    Man this really makes me not want to eat chickens anymore.

  3. cspencer says:

    I see a vegetarian in the making…

  4. bucka says:

    same, I feel so bad for eating and loving chicken 🙁

  5. Husna says:


  6. Husna says:

    I only have a pet fish that hates me!whenever it sees me it swims away!

  7. Husna says:

    But my baby brother calls it fishy

  8. bucka says:

    I have a zoo in my house now! (3 chickens,one dog,2 gerbils, 2 fish and a cat who is in France)

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