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42 Responses to 666

  1. cspencer says:

    Amazing (but quite scary)!

  2. pavlos says:


  3. bucka says:

    well done!

  4. minnEH says:

    o-O …

  5. minnEH says:


  6. flora says:

    You truly terrify me ella…

  7. bucka says:

    Mr Spencer! We’re not doing english right now!

    • cspencer says:

      You should be! Also, English needs a capital

      • Husna says:


      • Ella Y6 says:

        lol i dont wanna do english either

        • cspencer says:

          Ok right let’s go through this…
          1. I is a pronoun which requires a capital letter
          2. don’t is a contraction which requires an apostrophe
          3. English (as mentioned to Amelie above) needs a CAPITAL LETTER
          Year 6, I can’t wait to be teaching English in the classroom again!

          • Liam Y6 says:

            1. The phrase ‘capital letter’ does not need to be fully capitalised. Just one capital letter is adequate, not thirteen.
            2. Ellipsis is unnecessary after the phrase ‘Ok right let’s go through this’, a colon is better placed in that particular context.
            3. In your second point, as it is the start of your sentence, it would be better to have a capital letter at the beginning of the contraction ‘don’t’. I understand that this can be acceptable in some contexts, but you have started your other two points with a capital letter and consistency in lists is key.
            4. The points in your list need to be joined in some way, whether by using a semi-colon, a comma or by simply removing the numbers, decapitalising the start of the second and third points (once you have fixed your mistake in the penultimate point), and adding commas where necessary.
            5. A comma needs to be added in the phrase ‘Ok right let’s go through this…’
            Mr Spencer, I can’t wait to see your corrected piece of writing!

          • pavlos says:

            *1. ‘I’ is a pronoun which requires a capital letter.
            *2. ‘Don’t’ is a contraction which requires an apostrophe.
            *3. ‘English’ (as mentioned to Amelie above) needs a capital letter.

      • Liam Y6 says:

        Full stop?

  8. Husna says:


  9. bucka says:

    MR SPENCER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  10. cspencer says:

    Liam, welcome to the blog!

  11. pavlos says:

    Wow, that is a lot of comments.

  12. cspencer says:

    Can we get to 666 comments?

  13. bucka says:

    Let’s try!

  14. bucka says:


  15. bucka says:


  16. bucka says:

    hello 🙂

  17. bucka says:

    did we get 666 comments now?

  18. bucka says:

    this has the most comments !

  19. bucka says:

    37 exactly

  20. bucka says:


  21. Liam Y6 says:

    We could make it 66 comments. 666 posted in 66 with 66 comments. Let’s go!

  22. bucka says:

    25 more to go then…

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